Virtual Exhibit
Presented by the St. Andrews Rectory & Heritage Centre
This virtual tour, in partnership with VR Manitoba gives visitors access to the St. Andrews Heritage Centre’s museum exhibits through your computer or mobile device.
The tour can be accessed below, along with instructions on how to navigate the exhibit and how to take advantage of the VR capabilities. We hope you enjoy!
Are you new to virtual exhibits?
Don’t worry! virtual exhibits are easy to navigate and a great way to view the museum!
The translucent dots in the exhibit allow you to view different sections of the museum. You have access to the main hall, the parlour, the Stories From The Past room, the kitchen, the study, and the Rectory Gift Shop. More instructions are located below the Virtual Exhibit.
We also have a pre-set tour of the exhibit. To access it, click on the preview button shaped like an arrow in the bottom left hand corner. When using this alternative pre-set tour, you can click on the screen to pause and view the interactive coloured buttons on the screen.
Do you have a mobile device?
If so, You can also navigate the tour using a VR headset!
Before getting started we would like to mention a few precautions and tips!
Please don’t walk around with your headset on! We recommend using the headset while sitting to prevent any injury to you or others around you. The Matterport virtual program suggests using a Google Cardboard headset, but it is not necessary to view our Virtual Tour – the majority of the time the application is compatible with other generic VR headsets, provided your phone fits.
Here are some instructions to follow:
- Open this webpage on your mobile phone (iOS or Android) and select the Google Cardboard icon at the lower right of the virtual tour screen
- This will prompt you to download the correct Matterport VR application for your device
- When the app is done downloading, you can download the museum’s virtual tour, so you can access it even when you’re not connected to the internet
- Insert your mobile device into the headset
- Explore the museum by focusing on the translucent dots you see on the screen
This Virtual Exhibit was made possible by the Safe at home MB grant!

Here are some tips when navigating through the Rectory’s Virtual Exhibit!
- If you get stuck or lost, click on the floor plan button in the bottom left hand corner to reset your view to see above. Click on the area of the Virtual Exhibit you wish to explore
- Use your computer mouse to click and drag to view different angles of the tour
- If you want to zoom in or out from a certain spot, use the scroll wheel on the computer mouse
- Red dots are info tags, these will contain some interesting information about the specific part of the exhibit you are looking at
- Light blue dots are video tags. These tags are linked to specific videos the Rectory staff have made to give our visitors an interesting way to learn the history of the Rectory
- Light green dots are tags that inform you that this specific part of the exhibit is interactive and can be explored in-person at the Rectory
- Yellow dots are specific tags to the Rectory Gift Shop
- The green dot leads you to a link, this link allows you to leave comments and suggestions about our Virtual Exhibit
- Purple dots allow you to subscribe to our monthly newsletter, and sign into our guest book.
Having troubles viewing the Virtual exhibit?
- You may need to update your device
- Try reloading the page and ensure you have a sufficient internet connection