Committee Members

A man sitting on the ground looking at the rhubarb growing in the Rectory's garden. The man is wearing a plaid shirt and beige farmers hat.

The St. Andrews Heritage Committee is working to preserve history in the community by creating exhibits and displays focusing on the hardships and achievements of the residents in St. Andrews. The small group of volunteers has contributed their skills to maintain the building, manage the gift shop, upkeep the garden, research the history of St. Andrews, and programming which is offered to give guests and school groups a memorable visit.


Chair – Russ Garvie
Vice-Chair – Gerald Koroscil
Secretary –Sheelagh Smith
Treasurer – Vacant
Genealogy Centre – Karen Still
Marketing/ Promotions – Ellie Longbottom
Heritage Advisor – Rob Sarginson
Tourism Advisor – Gail McDonald
Fundraising – Catherine Chiborak
Garden Manager – Vacant

Municipal Reps:

Grants/Staffing – Teresa Howell, Recreation Director
Programs/Events – Teresa Howell, Recreation Director


Culture & Heritage Manager – Emilie Bordeleau-Laroche

Museum Administrator Intern & Program Coordinator – Emily Airey
Museum Program Interpreters – Hannah, Sarah

Event Volunteer:

Patti Simko
Laura Zornik
Ashley Kircher
Meredith Boerchers
Emily Fortney
Haleigh Halipchuk
Jana Neufeld

Deb Murphy